Today is World Water Day. Many countries across the globe are facing serious water shortages due to rising population and increased exploitation of fresh water sources -this particularly impacts on developing countries.
Globally, around 1.1bn people lack access to water all year round and a further 1.6bn find it scarce for at least one month each year. In addition, 2.4bn people do not have access to adequate sanitation and the resulting water-borne diseases kill 2m people - mostly children - each year.
UNICEF estimates that by 2040, 25% of all children will live in areas of high water stress.
Can you imagine a future where water does not just pour freely from our taps? A real solution to water scarcity lies in agriculture with about 90 per cent of our global water footprint relating to food.
Meat-eaters consume the equivalent of about 5,000 litres of water a day compared to the 1,000-2,000 litres used by people on vegetarian/vegan diets. Could you try a vegan diet and make a difference to our shrinking waste resources?