Vegan Conservatives support the call for Rishi Sunak to include animal-friendly policies in the next Conservative manifesto. The Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation has published a raft of proposals for the PM to consider, including:-
- Ending live exports for fattening and slaughter. Polling shows over a third (38%) of people think ending live exports is the most, or one of the most, important issues for them.
- Committing to a fixed and fair phase out period of the use of farrowing crates for sows and gilts in the UK. Farrowing crates are small cages which sows are kept in for weeks at a time during their breeding lives. They are so restrictive the sow cannot even turn around or interact with her piglets.
- Committing to a fixed and fair phase out period for enriched cages for laying hens. Although cage-free eggs are increasingly popular with consumers, 35% (some 14 million birds) still live in cages.
- Introducing mandatory animal welfare labelling on all meat products for human consumption. Polling shows two in three (64%) of 2019 Conservative voters would support the introduction of a mandatory animal welfare labelling system.
- Legislating to ensure farmed fish have the equivalent legal protection to that of terrestrial farmed animals. This is particularly important at the time of slaughter – we are calling for all fish to be stunned prior to killing. Despite both being recognised as sentient in UK law, farmed fish do not receive the same protections as terrestrial farmed animals.
A recent poll showed that 64% of people feel more positively towards a political party that is committed to improving animals welfare.
Lorraine Platt, Co-Founder of Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation, commented: “In 2019 the Conservatives set out a world leading Manifesto which paved the way for the Action Plan for Animal Welfare and much of the critical legislation which has followed in recent years. Commitments like these are a powerful signal to the electorate that parties take the public’s deep concern for animals seriously. As the voice for animal welfare in the Conservative Party, it is our hope the measures set out in our Manifesto today will be pledged in the upcoming 2024 General Election Manifesto.
“Today’s polling reveals just how highly Britain regards animal welfare as a voting consideration, with more than two-thirds (64%) of those polled feeling more positively about political parties who demonstrate a strong commitment to animals. This translates to significant public support for specific animal welfare policies such as ending live exports for fattening and slaughter and implementing animal welfare labelling.”
Henry Smith, Conservative MP for Crawley and Patron of Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation, commented: “We know that the UK is a nation of animal lovers, with policies to advance animal welfare ranking highly in the minds of the electorate when they cast their vote. It is therefore crucial that the Conservative Party pays close attention to the recommendations in today’s publication and ensures the 2024 Manifesto adopts the same compassionate, conservative commitments which have rewarded the Party in recent years.”
You can read more on the CAWF website here.